Your neighborhood service resource

Q: Is there a cost to list in the Community Directory?

A: Listing in the Community Directoy is FREE for home owners and single person companies.  Larger companies can also advertise for a small fee.


Q: I am a baby sitter, how do I create a free listing?

A: It's simple, first, register to create an account, then create your listing.  You can have more than one listing and each listing can be in one or more categories.  You can also upload photos, images or logos.

Once you are logged in, start with the "Details" tab and write a short description of what service you are offering. On the "Summary" tab, set your Expire date (how long you want the listing to be active). Don't forget to enter your email or phone under the "Contact" tab so people know how to reach you.

You can log back in (with your email and password) any time to change, update or extend your listing.


Q: I don't see a Category that I would like to list in, how do I add one?

A: To add a Category to list in, email us and we will add it to the Community Directory for all to use!


Q: We are a local HOA.  How can we add this directory to our web site so users have easy access?

A: Email us and we will email a few lines of code that you can drop into you HOA web site at any location.  The directory needs an area that is at least 700px (pixels) in width.


Useage tips:

Select at least one (1) category to list in, otherwise your listing will not show up in the directory!

Pictures and images should be in a 4:3 ratio format, .jpg and .png images work best.  An example of a 4:3 ratio image would be 400 pixels wide by 300 pixels high,